Practical and Emotional Support

To Doula or not to Doula? That, is the question

The benefits

Already popular in the Netherlands and America, demands on midwives and the NHS has resulted in an expanding Doula industry here in the UK.

There is growing evidence on the benefits of having a birth or postnatal Doula. Having a non-judgmental companion for practical and emotional support is both comforting and empowering.

Other recorded benefits include;

  • reduced levels of medical intervention
  • shortened labour
  • improved condition of babies at birth
  • higher levels of sustained breastfeeding
  • increased attachment and bonding
  • more positive birth experience
  • better wellbeing of mother following birth

As human beings, everyone has an opinion on how not to do things.  As a parent the onus lies with you but always remember….

There is no one way to be a perfect parent but there are a million ways to be a good one 

Doula/Birth Coach services

Our birth experiences stay with us forever

Mothering the Mother offers a selection of support packages covering Conception, Antenatal Education, Labour and Birth Support, Partner Support, Infant Feeding, Baby Weaning, Postnatal Support and Birth Reflections.

With a trained and qualified Doula, you can expect to receive the following Doula service from Mothering the Mother;

  • information so you know what to expect (there is no such thing as a stupid question, our aim is to mitigate fear of the unknown)
  • options so that you can make informed decisions (knowledge is power, informed decision making is empowering)
  • emotional support (someone to confide in and who will listen to you, a shared humour – laughter is therapeutic and those happy hormones are good for you, baby and anyone else you come into contact with for that matter)
  • emotional support – yes, I said it again (a shoulder to cry on if you need it and someone to hold your hand if times get tough – there’s a lot going on physically, emotionally and spiritually – it can be overwhelming but we will work through it together)
  • an honest account (it’s the hardest job you’ll ever do but equally the most rewarding)

Practical support can also include

  • healthy living tips
  • birthing options
  • birth planning
  • attendance at midwife/hospital appointments etc. 
  • signs of labour
  • stages of labour and what to look out for
  • when to attend hospital
  • what to pack in the hospital bag
  • attending labour and birth
  • baby feeding support
  • preparing for baby
  • taking baby home
  • birth reflections
  • support for up to one month after baby is born
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