In these strange and challenging times it is becoming more and more apparent that we don’t have to physically give birth in order to mother others.
This past year has reinforced the need to celebrate every person who looks out for friends, family, neighbours and strangers alike.
Things are still changing at a continued and rapid pace but, I’m not alone, you are not alone, and to varying degrees we are in this together. We are not without hope and for many of us, we are looking at new ways to unite and be.
Mothering each other does not mean smothering one another, it is about being there for each other. Little things like a good morning over a garden fence, a text, a letter, use of online facilities, rejoicing in what we still have despite the constant change can help.
Questions that can be asked
Are you ok?
How are you coping?
Do you need anything?
What can I do to help?
These are all questions we need to keep asking, not just to others but also to ourselves.
Reflecting on how last year blew up around us and knowing the pandemic has not yet waved goodbye, how will we be after the Corona Virus? We have already seen people looking out for one another, giving freely and displaying huge acts of kindness. In equal measure we have seen humanity at its lowest; this is not the time for any kind of hate or the encouragement of disharmony and negativity. There will be a period of darkness and there is no way of knowing for how long but, thankfully, there is still light.
As it currently stands, we will all be touched by this virus in some way or another. Life after Corona will be different. Now, more than ever, it is really important that we continue to check in with ourselves and others.
5 things that can help during difficult periods
1) Regular exercise – this is a good way to stay fit and it also does wonders for mental health
2) Practising gratitude – with so much negativity it can be hard to focus on the positive, practising gratitude can be a really positive way to start or end a day
3) Practicing kindness to ourselves and others – it can be hard to remove ourselves from the role of protector, provider or that go to person. For our own sanity it is equally as important to practice kindness to ourselves
4) Accessing support – this has been a particularly testing time for expectant and new parents. There is support out there; the Mothering the Mother Clinic for new and expectant parents runs every Thursday morning for all birth preparation, postnatal and infant feeding queries
5) Checking in with friends and family – checking in with one another can be mutually beneficial
Please remember we are not alone in this. Find what works positively for you and do that.
If you or anyone you know is in need of a Doula or Birth Coach and/or if you want to find out more information about how having a Doula and Birth Coach could be of assistance, please feel free to contact Tracey at Mothering the Mother on 07981 133441 or via e-mail tracey@motheringthemother.co.uk.
Mothering the Mother working for a better you, better me and better us.