People need people and, in these unusual times, we need each other more than ever.
To help us stay connected, we are running a Mothering the Mother Clinic at the stunning Juno in Leyton.
This weekly clinic is for all your birthing, postnatal and infant feeding needs. The Mothering the Mother Clinic takes place every Thursday morning and is hosted by me; a fully trained, experienced and qualified Doula and Birth Coach. The purpose is to help assist new and expectant parents who are navigating these challenging times.
In order to continue providing this valuable support and also comply with ongoing COVID restrictions, the rule of 6 and government guidelines, the Mothering the Mother clinic will run from 10.30am by appointment only.
This clinic is an opportunity to connect in person over a socially distanced cuppa and will offer practical advice and tips from birth planning to baby feeding and all the steps in between, as well as signposting to extra support where needed. Book a 30-minute slot via https://junospace.co.uk/events/mothering-the-mother-clinic .
There will also be free Emma’s Diary packs for expectant mums. Come, grab yourself a cuppa and maybe even treat yourself to something nice to eat. This parent support service is for pregnant and postnatal parents.
Please tag/share with anyone who this might help.
In the meantime, if you or anyone you know is in need of a Doula/BirthCoach or if you want to find out more information about how this service could be of assistance, please feel free to contact me on 07981 133441 or e-mail me via tracey@motheringthemother.co.uk.
Urgent update – due to ongoing Covid restrictions and in order to comply with government guidelines, the Doula Drop-in has changed to a free to attend online parent support group. Booking detailings as above.